xavier geerman

Xavier Geerman

  • 1987

Xavier is born

Xavier Geerman was born on the 2nd of August 1987 on an Island called Aruba. Most of his family members were amateur musicians, and they would often play cover songs at birthday parties, holidays, or other family gatherings. As a child, Xavier was often encouraged to play small percussion-like maracas by his parents at family parties.

It was a habit/tradition to switch instruments between songs. This was done because not everyone could play all the songs on the guitar, but everyone could play a percussion instrument so they would exchange instruments in between the songs. Xavier wanted to play the guitar too but he was not allowed to play it because he was too small to hold something so expensive and fragile, and he did not know how to handle fragile items properly yet.

At the age of five, he finally learned 3 basic chords on the Venezuelan cuatro, and at the age of 6, he met Robin Giel who thought him how to play more chords. At the age of 7, his mother started teaching him a few chords on the classical guitar and at the age of 10, he started taking classical guitar lessons.

  • 1999
  • 2000
  • 2006
  • 2008
  • 2012
  • 213
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016

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For more information or collaborations.